ITOYS Branded Toys At Affordable Price Mon, 23 Oct 2023 13:08:27 +0000 en hourly 1 ITOYS 32 32 Gross Motor Skills: Turbocharge Your Child’s Development with Fun and Effective Activities! Mon, 23 Oct 2023 13:08:23 +0000 Explore tips to turbocharge creative play ideas, and essential techniques to enhance your child's Gross Motor Skills.

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Hey there, dear parents and caregivers! Are you all set to witness your kiddo’s growth shoot up like a skyrocket? Hold onto your hats because we’re diving into the heart of ‘Mastering Milestones:

Turbocharge Your Child’s Development with Fun and Effective Gross Motor Activities!’ This blog is like a magical chest of treasures, packed to the brim with tricks and games that’ll not only make your little one smarter but also healthier and happier!

Imagine this: your child gaining strength, balance, and smarts, all while having a blast! We’ve handpicked activities that’ll make your little one’s eyes light up with joy and their muscles grow stronger. We believe in the power of play – that’s our secret sauce. So, if you’re tired of the same old routine and are longing for some excitement and learning, you’re in the right place.

Understanding Gross Motor Skills

A. Definition and Examples of Gross Motor Skills

Gross motor skills involve the use of large muscle groups and whole-body movements. These skills are essential for activities like walking, running, jumping, and other physical activities. They are crucial for overall physical coordination and are typically developed during childhood. Here are some examples of gross motor skills and their definitions:

1. Running: Running involves rapid, coordinated movement of the legs to propel the body forward. It requires balance and coordination and is a fundamental gross motor skill.

  1. Jumping: Jumping involves using both feet to leave the ground and land again. It requires leg strength, balance, and timing.
  2. Climbing: Climbing involves using arms and legs to ascend structures. It requires strength, coordination, and balance.
  3. Balancing: Balancing involves maintaining equilibrium while standing still or moving. It is essential for activities like standing on one foot or walking on a narrow beam.
  4. Throwing: Throwing involves using the arms and upper body to propel an object forward. It requires coordination between the eyes, hands, and arms.
  5. Catching: Catching involves using the hands to grasp and control an object that is propelled toward the body. It requires hand-eye coordination and quick reflexes.
  6. Kicking: Kicking involves using the legs to propel an object, such as a ball. It requires leg strength, coordination, and balance.
  7. Galloping: Galloping is a form of movement where one foot moves forward and the other foot follows, similar to a horse’s gait. It requires coordination between the legs and a sense of rhythm.
  8. Skipping: Skipping is a series of small jumps on one foot, followed by a jump on the other foot. It involves coordination between the legs and a sense of timing.
  9. Hopping: Hopping involves jumping on one foot while maintaining balance. It requires leg strength and coordination.

The development of gross motor skills is crucial for children as it not only supports their physical abilities but also contributes to their cognitive and social development. Activities that promote gross motor skills, such as sports, dancing, and active play, are important for children to practice and refine these abilities.

B. Milestones: What to Expect at Different Ages

Infants (0-12 months):

0-3 months: Babies lift their heads briefly and track moving objects with their eyes.
4-6 months: Babies can roll over, sit with support, and grasp objects.
7-9 months: Babies can sit without support, crawl, and pull themselves up to stand.
10-12 months: Babies start cruising (walking while holding furniture) and may take their first steps.

Toddlers (1-3 years):

1 year: Toddlers begin walking independently, and may climb stairs with assistance.
2 years: They can jump, kick a ball, and walk up and down stairs.
3 years: Toddlers can pedal a tricycle, climb playground structures, and throw a ball.

Preschoolers (3-5 years):

3-4 years: They can hop on one foot, balance briefly on each foot, and catch a ball with both hands.
4-5 years: Improved coordination; they can skip, jump rope, and throw a ball with more accuracy.
5 years: They can hop, skip, and jump with coordination, and ride a bicycle with training wheels.

School-Age Children (6-12 years):

6-7 years: Improved balance and agility; they can ride a bike without training wheels, skip using a rope, and participate in sports.
8-10 years: Enhanced motor skills; better performance in sports like soccer, swimming, and gymnastics.
11-12 years: Fine-tuning of skills; improved hand-eye coordination, speed, and accuracy in various physical activities.

Remember, these milestones are general guidelines. Children develop at their own pace, and it’s essential to celebrate their unique progress and provide opportunities for them to explore and enhance their motor skills.

C. Factors Affecting Gross Motor Skill Development

Several factors can influence the development of gross motor skills in children. Genetics plays a role, as a child’s inherent physical abilities can impact their motor skill development. Adequate nutrition is crucial, as proper nourishment supports muscle and bone growth. Physical activity and exercise also significantly contribute; children who engage in active play and sports tend to develop better motor skills. Environmental factors, such as access to safe spaces for play, can either facilitate or hinder skill development. Additionally, early experiences and parental encouragement play a vital role; children who receive positive reinforcement and opportunities to practice gross motor skills tend to develop these abilities more effectively. Finally, any physical or neurological impairments, if present, can affect gross motor skill development, highlighting the importance of early detection and intervention in such cases.

Benefits of Developing Gross Motor Skills

A. Physical Health and Fitness

Developing gross motor skills not only contributes to a child’s physical health but also offers various fitness benefits. Engaging in activities that enhance gross motor skills, such as running, jumping, and climbing, promotes cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and improves overall endurance. These activities also aid in the development of bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis later in life. Moreover, mastering gross motor skills enhances balance, coordination, and agility, which are essential components of physical fitness. Regular physical activity that involves gross motor skills helps maintain a healthy body weight, reducing the risk of obesity and related health issues. Additionally, it fosters a sense of confidence and accomplishment in children, encouraging them to stay active and maintain good physical health habits as they grow older.

B. Cognitive Development

The development of gross motor skills in children has a profound impact on their cognitive abilities. Engaging in activities that require coordination, balance, and spatial awareness stimulates the brain and enhances neural connections. When children learn to control their bodies through activities like running, jumping, and climbing, it not only refines their motor skills but also sharpens their cognitive functions. These activities improve concentration, attention, and memory, as children need to coordinate multiple movements simultaneously. Furthermore, mastering gross motor skills often involves problem-solving, such as figuring out how to climb a playground structure or balance on one foot, which nurtures critical thinking skills. Additionally, physical activities enhance overall brain health by promoting the release of neurotransmitters and growth factors, contributing to improved cognitive function and academic performance.

C. Social and Emotional Well-being

The development of gross motor skills in children offers significant social and emotional benefits. Engaging in physical activities with peers promotes social interaction, cooperation, and teamwork. It helps children develop essential social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and communicating effectively, fostering positive relationships and a sense of camaraderie. Moreover, mastering gross motor skills boosts self-esteem and self-confidence. When children accomplish physical feats, whether it’s riding a bike or climbing a tree, it instills a sense of pride and self-worth. Physical activities also provide a healthy outlet for managing stress and pent-up energy, promoting emotional well-being. Additionally, these activities often involve rules and boundaries, teaching children important concepts such as discipline, respect, and sportsmanship. Overall, the development of gross motor skills plays a vital role in nurturing a child’s social competence and emotional resilience.

D. Academic Performance

The development of gross motor skills in children not only contributes to physical health and social well-being but also has a positive impact on academic performance. Engaging in regular physical activity that involves gross motor skills enhances cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and problem-solving abilities. Studies have shown that children who are physically active tend to perform better in the classroom, as exercise increases the flow of oxygen to the brain, promoting neural growth and improving overall brain function. Additionally, the discipline and focus learned through mastering gross motor skills can translate into better concentration during academic tasks. Furthermore, physical activities often involve following instructions, sequencing movements, and understanding spatial relationships, all of which are skills that can be valuable in subjects like mathematics. Therefore, a child’s proficiency in gross motor skills not only supports their physical and social development but also lays a foundation for improved academic achievement.

Fun and Engaging Gross Motor Activities

Activities for Infants (0-12 months)

1. Tummy Time Exercises

Tummy time exercises are crucial for developing gross motor skills in infants. Placing babies on their stomachs encourages them to lift their heads and strengthen their neck, shoulder, and upper back muscles. This activity enhances their balance, coordination, and spatial awareness, laying the foundation for crucial motor skills. Tummy time also aids in developing hand-eye coordination as infants reach and grasp objects while on their tummies. By engaging in these exercises regularly, infants gain the strength and confidence needed for milestones like sitting up, crawling, and eventually walking. Tummy time not only promotes physical development but also supports cognitive and sensory growth, making it a fundamental practice for early childhood development.

2. Rolling and Reaching Games

Rolling and reaching games are valuable activities that significantly contribute to the development of gross motor skills in children. Rolling exercises encourage the coordination of body movements, teaching children how to shift their weight and control their muscles. This helps improve their balance and spatial awareness, fundamental skills for activities like crawling and walking. Reaching games, on the other hand, enhances hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. By reaching for objects, children refine their grasp, which is essential for tasks like holding a pencil or tying shoelaces later on. Both activities promote muscle strength, flexibility, and overall motor control. Furthermore, these games often involve social interaction, fostering teamwork and communication skills. Through these enjoyable and interactive experiences, children develop the physical and social skills necessary for various activities, setting a strong foundation for their gross motor development.

3. Crawling Challenges

Crawling challenges play a pivotal role in the development of gross motor skills in infants. As babies navigate the complexities of crawling, they engage multiple muscle groups, enhancing their strength and coordination. This fundamental movement pattern promotes balance and spatial awareness, crucial for later activities such as walking and running. Crawling challenges encourage infants to explore their environment, improving their sensory integration and depth perception. Furthermore, crawling strengthens the core muscles, laying a solid foundation for proper posture and stability. Additionally, as babies crawl, they learn to negotiate obstacles, refining their problem-solving skills and boosting their confidence. Overall, crawling challenges provide a comprehensive workout for various muscle groups, fostering essential gross motor skills and preparing infants for more complex physical activities in the future.

Activities for Toddlers (1-3 years)

1. Walking and Balance Games

Walking and balance games are instrumental in the development of gross motor skills in children. Walking, a fundamental skill, enhances leg strength, coordination, and spatial awareness. It provides a foundation for more complex movements and activities. Balance games, such as walking on a narrow beam or hopping on one foot, refine stability and equilibrium, crucial for preventing falls and improving overall motor control. These activities also enhance proprioception—the body’s awareness of its position in space—contributing to better body awareness and coordination. Walking and balance games encourage the development of core muscles, promoting better posture and physical stability. Moreover, these activities often involve social interaction and teamwork, fostering communication skills and cooperation. By engaging in these games, children not only refine their gross motor skills but also gain confidence in their physical abilities, setting the stage for a lifetime of active and healthy living.

2. Climbing and Outdoor Play

Climbing and outdoor play provide invaluable benefits for the development of gross motor skills in children. Climbing activities, whether on playground structures or natural elements, enhance upper body strength, grip, and coordination. These activities challenge balance and spatial awareness, refining motor skills crucial for various physical activities. Climbing also promotes problem-solving as children navigate obstacles and make decisions about their movements. Outdoor play, in general, encourages running, jumping, and exploring different terrains, stimulating overall physical development. It fosters cardiovascular health, improves muscle tone, and enhances agility. Additionally, outdoor play often involves social interaction and imaginative play, nurturing communication skills and creativity. The varied and unpredictable nature of outdoor environments sharpens sensory perception, contributing to better overall motor control. Engaging in climbing and outdoor play not only promotes physical fitness but also supports the development of essential gross motor skills, making it an integral part of a child’s overall growth and development.

3. Dancing and Movement Games

Dancing and movement games offer multifaceted benefits for the development of gross motor skills in children. Through dance, kids learn to coordinate their movements with music, improving rhythm, balance, and spatial awareness. These activities enhance muscle strength and flexibility, promoting better control of large muscle groups. Movement games, such as Simon Says or follow-the-leader, improve coordination, agility, and body awareness. Dancing and movement games also stimulate creativity and self-expression, boosting confidence in physical abilities. Moreover, these activities often involve social interaction, teaching children to work together and follow instructions, and honing their communication and teamwork skills. By engaging in these activities, children not only enhance their physical coordination but also foster social connections, making dancing and movement games a fun and effective way to develop essential gross motor skills.

Activities for Preschoolers (3-5 years)

1. Running and Jumping Games

Running and jumping games are instrumental in fostering the development of gross motor skills in children. Running improves cardiovascular health, endurance, and leg strength. It hones coordination, balance, and agility, laying the foundation for various physical activities. Jumping activities enhance muscle power, bone density, and overall body strength. These games also improve spatial awareness and timing, crucial elements for successful motor skills. Moreover, running and jumping games promote sensory integration, enhancing the child’s understanding of their body’s movements and capabilities. Additionally, these activities often involve social interaction, teamwork, friendly competition, nurturing communication skills, and sportsmanship. Engaging in running and jumping games not only makes physical activity enjoyable but also contributes significantly to the development of essential gross motor skills, ensuring a healthy and active lifestyle for children.

2. Basic Sports Introduction

Introducing children to basic sports provides a multitude of benefits for their gross motor skill development. Participation in sports activities like soccer, basketball, or tennis enhances coordination, balance, and agility. Learning fundamental movements such as throwing, catching, and kicking improves muscle strength and fine-tuning motor skills. Sports also teach spatial awareness, strategy, and teamwork, honing cognitive and social abilities. Engaging in sports introduces the concept of fair play, discipline, and perseverance, fostering emotional resilience and self-confidence. Furthermore, sports activities often involve running, jumping, and rapid direction changes, enhancing cardiovascular fitness and overall endurance. By providing a structured environment for physical activity, basic sports not only make exercise enjoyable but also significantly contribute to the development of essential gross motor skills, ensuring a well-rounded and healthy physical foundation for children.

3. Obstacle Courses and Relay Races

Participating in obstacle courses and relay races offers substantial benefits for the development of gross motor skills in children. Obstacle courses challenge various physical abilities, including balance, coordination, and spatial awareness. Negotiating obstacles like hurdles and tunnels enhances muscle strength and agility. These activities also stimulate problem-solving skills as children plan their route through the course. Relay races, involving activities like running and passing objects, improve speed, endurance, and teamwork. Engaging in these activities refines motor skills, sharpens reflexes, and promotes cardiovascular health. Moreover, obstacle courses and relay races foster healthy competition, encouraging children to push their physical limits and build resilience. These interactive and energetic challenges not only make physical activity enjoyable but also play a crucial role in enhancing a wide range of gross motor skills.

Tips for Encouraging Gross Motor Skill Development

1. Creating a Safe Environment

Creating a safe environment is essential to encourage gross motor skill development in children. First and foremost, ensure the space is free of hazards, sharp objects, and tripping hazards. Use soft mats or carpets to cushion falls and provide a safe surface for activities. Secure heavy furniture to the walls to prevent tipping and keep small objects out of reach to avoid choking hazards. Supervise children during physical activities, especially when they are climbing or using play equipment. Encourage them to explore diverse activities like running, jumping, and climbing while ensuring they have enough space to move freely. Providing age-appropriate toys and play equipment can also stimulate gross motor development. Regularly inspect the play area for safety, and always model safe behavior to teach children how to navigate their environment securely.

2. Balancing Structured and Unstructured Playtime

Encouraging gross motor skill development involves striking a balance between structured and unstructured playtime. Structured activities, such as organized sports or dance classes, provide specific guidance and skill training. These activities offer a focused approach, teaching coordination and teamwork. On the other hand, unstructured play allows children to explore and create their activities, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills. It’s crucial to offer a mix of both. Structured activities provide essential instruction, while unstructured play encourages imaginative movement. Allow time for free play in safe environments, like parks or open spaces, where children can run, jump, and climb on their own terms. This blend of structured and unstructured play nurtures a wide range of gross motor skills, promoting both physical and cognitive development.

3. Encouraging Independence and Exploration

Encouraging independence and exploration during playtime is key to enhancing gross motor skill development. Allow children the freedom to choose activities and explore their surroundings within safe boundaries. Provide age-appropriate toys and challenges that pique their curiosity, encouraging them to crawl, walk, run, or climb. Offer a variety of play equipment like balls, bikes, or climbing structures to promote diverse movements. Celebrate their milestones and efforts, boosting their confidence. Resist the urge to constantly intervene; let them figure out their movements, which strengthens muscles and coordination. When children are given the autonomy to explore, they engage in activities that naturally enhance their gross motor skills, fostering both physical and emotional development.

Addressing Common Challenges

1. Identifying Developmental Delays

Identifying developmental delays and common challenges in gross motor skill development is crucial for early intervention. Keep an eye out for delays in achieving milestones like crawling, walking, or jumping, especially if these delays persist over time. Watch for signs such as consistently avoiding certain movements, lack of interest in physical activities, or difficulty with balance and coordination. If you notice any concerns, consult a healthcare professional or a pediatrician for a developmental assessment. Early diagnosis and appropriate interventions, such as physical therapy or occupational therapy, can significantly improve a child’s gross motor skills and overall quality of life.

2. Seeking Professional Help: When and How

Seeking professional help for common challenges in gross motor skill development is crucial when parents or caregivers notice persistent delays or difficulties. If a child is consistently struggling with basic motor skills or fails to reach age-appropriate milestones, it’s essential to consult a pediatrician or a developmental specialist. These professionals can conduct assessments to identify any underlying issues and provide guidance on appropriate interventions. Early intervention programs, such as physical therapy or occupational therapy, can be highly effective in addressing specific motor skill challenges. Don’t hesitate to seek help; the earlier the intervention, the better the outcomes for the child’s gross motor skill development.

3. Addressing Special Needs and Disabilities

Addressing special needs and disabilities in the context of gross motor skill development requires a tailored approach. It’s essential to collaborate with healthcare professionals, therapists, and educators who specialize in working with children with diverse needs. Individualized therapy programs, adapted physical activities, and assistive devices can provide crucial support. Patience and encouragement are key; celebrate every progress, no matter how small, to boost the child’s confidence. Additionally, creating inclusive environments and advocating for specialized education plans within schools can ensure that children with special needs receive appropriate support. By addressing challenges in a supportive and customized manner, children with disabilities can make significant strides in their gross motor skill development.

Additional Resources

1. Recommended Books and Articles


  1. Gross Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals” by Patricia C. Winders
  2. “Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Processing Issues” by Lindsey Biel and Nancy Peske
  3. “Early Intervention Games: Fun, Joyful Ways to Develop Social and Motor Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum or Sensory Processing Disorders” by Barbara Sher
  4. “The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder” by Carol Stock Kranowitz
  5. “Building Bridges Through Sensory Integration: Occupational Therapy for Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disorders” by Ellen Yack, Paula Aquilla, and Shirley Sutton

Remember to check local libraries, online book retailers, or academic databases for the most recent publications and research in the field of gross motor skill development.

2. Useful Websites and Online Communities


  1. Developmental Coordination Disorder: Hints and Tips for the Activities of Daily Living” by Amanda Kirby, available on the Developmental Coordination Disorder UK website.
  2. “Gross Motor Development” by the American Academy of Pediatrics, available on
  3. “Sensory Integration and the Child” by A. Jean Ayres, published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy.
  4. “Motor Skills Interventions to Improve Fundamental Movement Skills of Preschoolers with Developmental Delay” by R. W. Logan et al., published in the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport.

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Fine Motor Skills Development in Preschoolers Mon, 19 Jun 2023 08:59:46 +0000 Development of Fine Motor Skills in Preschoolers is an important part of preparing them for school success. Let's know how to handle it...

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Development of Fine Motor Skills in Preschoolers is an important part of preparing them for overall success. Let’s know how to handle it…

Fine Motor Skills- Cute little girl reading and learning
Contents of this article:
What are fine motor skills?
What are examples of fine motor skills?
How to teach fine motor skills to preschoolers?
Click on the above links to jump on the related topics.

What are fine motor skills?

Fine motor skills help to solve complex levels of manual dexterity that humans exhibit can be related to the nervous system. This skill is responsible for the coordination of muscles in movement with the eyes, hands, and fingers. Fine motor skills aid in intelligence growth and continue throughout the stages of human development.

What are fine motor skills examples?

Threading, Tearing, Pasting, Scribbling, Drawing, Coloring, Molding, Paper folding, etc. are the main activities to teach fine motor skills. It plays a significant role in hand-eye coordination in preschoolers.

  • Threading: Threading helps children develop fine motor skills essential for being able to tie shoelaces, do up buttons, and much more things. In further steps, we can teach preschoolers like number sequencing, color sequencing, etc.
  • Tearing: Tearing helps in multiple ways. When a child tears out a paper piece, they improve endurance in the small muscles and fingers in whole hand the hand. You can teach preschoolers to tear out the different shapes, numbers, etc.
  • Scribbling: Scribbling is an important lesson plan for preschoolers because when the child is scribbling they write their thoughts. Scribbling shows the way how a child writes their thoughts. in the next steps you can start by teaching different lines, patterns, etc then letters and numbers tracing.
  • Drawing: Drawing is a very important part of preschool education because it shows how a child feels and thinks.
  • Coloring: Coloring helps to develop motor skills and also helps in concentration and brain development.
  • Molding: Molding different things with clay helps to improve brain development. This is very helpful because when the child molds any art with clay they enhance their creative idea, touch sense, improve physical dexterity, problem-solving skills, and fine motor coordination.
  • Paper folding: Paper folding helps to develop hand-eye coordination, Fractions, Problem-Solving, and soft motor skills.

How to teach fine motor skills activities to preschoolers?

One of the best ways to teach children about fine motor development is through play-based activities. That engages both hands simultaneously. Developing these skills at an early age will give your child a head start in school and life! Below are some best activities to teach fine motor skills.

As parents and teachers of preschoolers, it’s important to ensure that our children are developing their fine motor skills. Fine motor skills involve the coordination of small muscles in the hands, wrists, feet, and eyes. All of which help with activities such as writing, cutting paper, or manipulating objects.

Fortunately, there are a number of fun activities that can be used to teach fine motor skills to preschoolers! Here are some great ideas:

  • Play-Dough: Playing with playdough is an excellent way for kids to strengthen their hand muscles. Fine motor skills activities encourage your child by providing them with lots of tools like rolling pins and cookie cutters so they can get creative while strengthening those little fingers.
  • Cutting Paper: Provide your child with scissors (child-safe ones!) along with construction paper or other thin materials for them to practice cutting out shapes or figures from different pieces of paper. This activity helps develop dexterity in both hands as well as eye-hand coordination when tracing lines on papers prior to cutting them out!
  • Stringing Beads: Stringing beads onto a piece of string requires concentration and patience – two things most young children don’t have much off yet – but this activity is still very beneficial for helping build up finger strength through pinching motions required when threading each bead onto the string one by one. Plus it’s also great practice recognizing colors too!
  • Puzzles & Building Blocks: Puzzles encourage problem-solving abilities while building blocks require careful manipulation using both hands simultaneously – making these two activities perfect choices for helping develop fine motor control among younger kids. Not only do they provide hours upon hours worth of entertainment, but also give plenty of opportunities to hone those essential skill sets needed later on down life!
  • By taking part in these types of fun, engaging activities, you’ll not only be providing your preschooler valuable learning experiences but also giving yourself a chance to bond together too! So why wait? Get started today practicing those necessary basics now before school starts up again next year!
  • By playing with the toys which are made for developing fine motor skills.

Which type of toys are helpful in fine-motor skills development?

The following are the best toys for the development of fine motor skills.

  1. Threading Beads
  2. Lacing Cards
  3. Building blocks
  4. Wooden Blocks
  5. Peg Boards
  6. Playdough and Tools
  7. Scissors
  8. Puzzles
  9. Drawing and Painting Tools


Welcome to iToys! We are a leading provider of innovative and educational toys for children. Our mission is to provide the highest quality products that will help your child learn, grow, and develop in a safe and fun environment.

Toys play an important role in child development. Every child should have the best toy friends to grow up with. We know the things that make betterment in kids. We created a brand named ITOYS under the company ‘Circle E Retail Pvt. Ltd.‘. ITOYS is a leading manufacturer of kids’ toys. If you are an individual buyer, our products are available at all leading online and offline retail shops. For being a partner in our development journey, go through the below buttons.

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Healthy habits development lesson plans for Preschoolers Wed, 05 Apr 2023 08:19:26 +0000 In the modern era, living a healthy lifestyle has become a big problem. In this article, we will know how to teach healthy habits to children.

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In the modern era, living a healthy lifestyle has become a big problem. In today’s run-of-the-mill life, people have become so busy that they are not living their lifestyle properly, let alone their children. Today in this article we will know how to promote or teach healthy habits to children.

Healthy habits make your life happy.

Developing healthy habits in preschoolers is an important part of their development and education. Healthy habits are the foundation for a lifetime of good health and can set children up for success both physically and mentally. As teachers, it’s our job to help foster these positive behaviors in our students.

Here are some ideas for creating your own lesson plans:

1) Teach about nutrition – Learning about proper nutrition is one of the most important aspects of developing healthy eating habits in young children. You can discuss different types of food groups, how much they should be eating each day, as well as which foods provide essential vitamins and minerals needed for growth and development. You could also have them practice identifying fruits or vegetables by sight or taste!

2) Promote physical activity – Exercise doesn’t just benefit adults; it has many benefits for kids too! Teaching your students simple exercises like jumping jacks or running laps around the room will get them excited about being active while helping build strength at the same time! Additionally, you could introduce activities such as yoga poses which will not only improve flexibility but also teach mindfulness techniques that may come in handy later on down life’s road.

3) Talk about hygiene practices – Hygiene plays a major role when it comes to staying healthy so teaching basic hygiene practices such as hand-washing before meals should be incorporated into any lesson plan dealing with health topics. You could even make things more fun by having them sing songs while washing their hands to ensure they spend enough time scrubbing away germs! Lastly, introducing concepts related to dental care (such as brushing teeth twice daily ) would go a long way toward instilling lifelong oral hygiene routines among young learners.

4 ) Stress management strategies – It’s never too early to start learning stress management strategies! Introducing relaxation methods such as breathing exercises, visualization techniques, journaling, etc would help kids learn how to cope with difficult emotions & situations without resorting to extreme measures. This skill set serves useful throughout life & helps prevent mental illnesses down line. All these points combined together form a great starting point for building the foundations necessary to lead a healthier lifestyle. With the right guidance & support from parents/teachers, we are able to cultivate lasting habit changes within younger generations!

5) Start with basics – Introduce concepts such as nutrition labels, portion control, and basic hygiene practices like hand-washing before meals or after using the bathroom. Help children understand why these things are important so they can internalize them as part of their everyday routine rather than simply following orders from adults!

6) Make learning fun – Use games or songs about healthy eating/exercise/sleep that kids enjoy participating in; this will keep them engaged throughout your lesson while reinforcing key messages related to healthful behaviors!

7) Involve families – Invite family members (or even pets!) into your lessons if possible; having additional role models reinforce positive behaviors may be more impactful than just having one adult teaching alone!

8) Encourage questions – Allow time during each session for children (and adults!) To ask questions about what they’ve learned; addressing any confusion now could prevent future issues down the road when kids start making decisions without guidance from grownups around them.


Welcome to iToys! We are a leading provider of innovative and educational toys for children. Our mission is to provide the highest quality products that will help your child learn, grow, and develop in a safe and fun environment.

Toys play an important role in child development. Every child should have the best toy friends to grow up with. We know the things that make betterment in kids. We created a brand named ITOYS under the company ‘Circle E Retail Pvt. Ltd.‘. ITOYS is a leading manufacturer of kids’ toys. If you are an individual buyer, our products are available at all leading online and offline retail shops. For being a partner in our development journey, go through the below buttons.

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Development of prosocial behavior in preschoolers Tue, 07 Mar 2023 05:17:05 +0000 Helping others is known as prosocial behavior. This article is about how to boost the development of prosocial behavior in preschoolers...

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Helping others is known as prosocial behavior. This article is about how to boost the development of prosocial behavior in preschoolers…

Development of prosocial behavior in preschoolers

Development of prosocial behavior in preschoolers

What is prosocial behavior?

Prosocial behavior in preschoolers refers to actions and behaviors that are oriented towards helping others, sharing, and showing concern for others. Preschoolers are at an age where they are developing their social skills and emotional intelligence, and prosocial behavior is an important aspect of this development.

Examples of prosocial behavior in preschoolers can include:

  • Sharing toys with others
  • Offering to help a friend with a task or activity
  • Comforting a peer who is upset or crying
  • Following rules and taking turns during games and activities
  • Using polite language and manners when interacting with others
  • Expressing gratitude and saying “thank you” to others

How to develop prosocial behavior in preschoolers?

Developing prosocial behavior in preschoolers is important for their social and emotional development, and can be encouraged through various strategies. Here are some ways to promote the development of prosocial behavior in preschoolers:

  • Model prosocial behavior: Children learn by observing the actions of adults around them. Modeling prosocial behavior, such as sharing, being kind, and helping others, can encourage preschoolers to engage in similar behaviors.
  • Provide opportunities for cooperative play: Encouraging children to play together in groups and engage in cooperative activities, such as building with blocks or playing board games, can promote prosocial behavior and help children learn important social skills, such as taking turns, sharing, and resolving conflicts.
  • Teach empathy: Helping children understand and identify the feelings and perspectives of others can promote empathy and prosocial behavior. Encourage children to talk about their feelings and those of others, and discuss ways to respond to different emotions.
  • Use positive reinforcement: Praising and rewarding children when they engage in prosocial behaviors can reinforce these behaviors and encourage children to continue to exhibit them. For example, thanking a child for sharing a toy with a friend or giving a high-five to a child who helps someone with a task.
  • Foster a caring and inclusive environment: Creating a positive and caring classroom or home environment that values diversity, inclusivity, and kindness can promote prosocial behavior in preschoolers. Encourage children to respect and appreciate differences among their peers and to be kind and welcoming to all.

Research has shown that promoting prosocial behavior in preschoolers can have positive effects on their social, emotional, and cognitive development. Preschool teachers and parents can encourage prosocial behavior by modeling positive behaviors, providing opportunities for cooperative play and group activities, and praising and rewarding children when they exhibit prosocial behavior.

Overall, developing prosocial behavior in preschoolers requires intentional effort and consistent reinforcement. By modeling positive behaviors, providing opportunities for cooperative play, teaching empathy, using positive reinforcement, and fostering a caring and inclusive environment, preschool teachers and parents can encourage prosocial behavior in young children.

In this series, we are covering the whole syllabus for preschool. Continue with the main page and read the full syllabus – Click Here. We are the best educational books and toy manufacturers in India. We deal in only wholesale. If you want to modify or redesign things with your own business needs, we also do that. Contact US or Request Our Catalogue.

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How Do Toys Affect Development? Wed, 01 Mar 2023 09:50:21 +0000 Toys stimulate concentration levels and enhance attention span and memory development. Improves ability to approach language and math skills in a fun way.

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TOYS: How Do Toys Affect Development?

How Do Toys Affect Development: Toys stimulate concentration levels and enhance attention span and memory development. Improves ability to approach language and math skills in a fun way.

Toys are essential for children’s development, as they provide a safe and fun way to explore the world around them. Not only do toys entertain kids, but they also help them learn how to express their emotions, role-play different scenarios, and develop important skills like problem-solving.

Toys not only offer entertainment value but are educational tools that should be utilized more often than not – especially since research has shown that regular exposure leads to better academic performance overall among school-aged children!

With so many benefits associated with these objects, parents should make sure their little ones get plenty of opportunities throughout childhood so they can reap all the rewards from engaging in playful activities both now & later down the line when adulthood finally arrives! This is about – How Do Toys Affect Development?

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Boost Decision-Making And Problem-Solving In Preschoolers Thu, 23 Feb 2023 11:41:01 +0000 Preschoolers need to develop strong decision-making and problem-solving skills for their academic, social, and emotional growth. Read tips...

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Preschoolers need to develop strong decision-making and problem-solving skills for their academic, social, and emotional growth. Here read some effective ways to boost decision-making and problem-solving in preschoolers.

Small children are solving building blocks with wooden cubes-ITOYS

How to boost decision-making and problem-solving in preschoolers?

Decision-making and problem-solving are essential skills that preschoolers need to develop for their academic, social, and emotional growth. As a parent or caregiver, you can help your preschooler enhance these skills through different activities and techniques. In this blog, we will explore some tips and strategies to boost decision-making and problem-solving in preschoolers.

  1. Encourage Exploration and Curiosity Preschoolers are naturally curious and love to explore. Encourage your child to explore new things, try different activities, and ask questions. When your child is curious, they are more likely to encounter problems and come up with solutions, which can enhance their problem-solving skills.
  2. Provide Opportunities for Independent Decision Making Preschoolers need to practice making decisions independently. Offer your child choices to make throughout the day, such as what clothes to wear, what snack to eat, or which toy to play with. This will help them develop their decision-making skills and gain confidence in their ability to make choices.
  3. Engage in Role-Playing Activities Role-playing activities can help preschoolers develop problem-solving and decision-making skills. Set up different scenarios where your child needs to solve a problem, such as how to share toys with a friend or how to ask for help. Role-playing allows preschoolers to practice problem-solving and decision-making in a safe and supportive environment.
  4. Encourage Creative Thinking Encourage your preschooler to think creatively by engaging in open-ended activities such as drawing, building with blocks, or playing with playdough. These activities allow preschoolers to think creatively and develop problem-solving skills as they try to figure out how to build or create what they have in mind.
  5. Teach Problem-Solving Strategies Teach your preschooler problem-solving strategies, such as breaking down a problem into smaller parts, brainstorming ideas, and trying different solutions. When your child faces a problem, guide them through the problem-solving process by asking questions and offering suggestions.
  6. Model Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Children learn from observing and imitating adults. Model decision-making and problem-solving by talking through your own decisions and problems. For example, you could say, “I’m trying to decide what to make for dinner. I need to consider what we have in the fridge and what everyone likes to eat.”
  7. Provide Puzzles and Games Puzzles and games can be a fun and effective way to enhance decision-making and problem-solving skills. Choose puzzles and games that are age-appropriate and challenging enough to engage your child’s problem-solving skills.
  8. Encourage Play and Exploration: Play is essential for preschoolers to learn and develop problem-solving skills. Encourage your child to explore their surroundings, try new things, and play with different toys. By doing so, they will learn how to analyze situations and come up with creative solutions. For example, building blocks can help children understand spatial relationships and develop problem-solving skills.
  9. Offer Choices and Options: Offering choices is an effective way to help preschoolers develop decision-making skills. Giving your child the opportunity to make decisions helps them understand the consequences of their choices. However, it’s essential to offer age-appropriate choices. For instance, you can let your child choose between two different fruits for a snack or two books for storytime.
  10. Practice Active Listening: Active listening is critical in developing problem-solving skills. By listening to your child’s thoughts and ideas, you can help them articulate their thoughts and come up with solutions. Encourage your child to share their ideas and listen attentively to their responses. You can ask open-ended questions such as “How do you think we can solve this problem?” to encourage them to think critically.
  11. Model Problem-Solving: Children learn by example, and modeling problem-solving is an effective way to teach preschoolers how to approach challenges. For example, if your child spills a drink, instead of becoming frustrated, show them how to clean up the mess and encourage them to help. By doing so, they will learn that mistakes happen, and that problem-solving is a critical skill in overcoming challenges.
  12. Promote Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is an essential skill for problem-solving. Encourage your child to think critically by asking questions that require analysis and interpretation. For instance, you can ask them what they think will happen if they mix different colors together or how they can fix a broken toy.
  13. Use Real-Life Scenarios: Real-life scenarios provide an opportunity for preschoolers to practice decision-making and problem-solving skills. For example, you can ask your child what they would do if they found a lost toy or how they would respond to a friend who is upset. Such scenarios can help children think critically and come up with solutions.
  14. Provide Opportunities for Independence: Preschoolers need opportunities to practice decision-making and problem-solving independently. Provide them with opportunities to do age-appropriate tasks, such as dressing themselves or choosing their own snacks. By doing so, they will learn to make decisions and solve problems on their own.

In conclusion, developing decision-making and problem-solving skills in preschoolers is critical for their future success. Encouraging play and exploration, offering choices and options, practicing active listening, modeling problem-solving, promoting critical thinking, using real-life scenarios, and providing opportunities for independence are some effective ways to boost these skills in preschoolers. Remember to be patient and consistent in your efforts to help your child develop these essential skills.



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Self-Regulation development in preschoolers Wed, 22 Feb 2023 07:31:16 +0000 Self-regulation helps children and teenagers learn, behave well, get along with others and become independent.

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ITOYS-Kids are playing on easel board
Kids are playing with the easel board

Self-regulation is an essential skill for children of all ages, especially for preschool years when they are learning new skills and developing their imagination. It’s important for parents and caregivers to provide an environment that encourages self-regulation skills in order for their child’s development to be successful.

What is Self-Regulation?

Self-regulation is an essential skill that enables individuals to control their emotions, thoughts, and behavior. It is an important skill to develop during early childhood, as it helps children manage their emotions and impulses, which can lead to better social, emotional, and academic outcomes. Pre-schoolers, who are between the ages of one and three, are beginning to develop self-regulation skills. In this blog, we will explore some examples of self-regulation in pre-schoolers.

What are the main types of Self-Regulation development?

Taking turns: Taking turns is an important aspect of social development and requires self-regulation. Pre-schoolers who can take turns with others have learned to control their impulses and wait for their turn. For example, if a pre-schooler is playing with a toy, they may have to wait for their turn to play with it.

Delayed gratification: Delayed gratification is the ability to resist an immediate reward for a bigger reward in the future. For example, if a pre-schooler is given a choice between a small piece of candy now or a larger piece later, a pre-schooler who can delay gratification will choose to wait for the larger piece.

Emotion regulation: Pre-schoolers are learning to understand and control their emotions. For example, when pre-schooler is upset or angry, they may learn to take deep breaths, count to ten, or use words to express their feelings instead of throwing a tantrum.

Self-soothing: Self-soothing is the ability to calm oneself down when upset or stressed. Pre-schoolers who can self-soothe suck their thumb, hugging a favorite stuffed animal, or listening to calming music.

Following directions: Following directions requires self-regulation, as a pre-schooler must be able to listen to and remember instructions. For example, if a parent tells a pre-schooler to put away their toys, the pre-schooler must be able to control their impulses and follow the instruction.

Problem-solving: Problem-solving requires self-regulation, as pre-schoolers must be able to control their impulses and think before acting. For example, if a pre-schooler wants a toy that another child is playing with, they must learn to problem-solve and find a different toy to play with instead of grabbing the toy from the other child.

In conclusion, self-regulation is an essential skill for pre-schoolers to develop. Pre-schoolers who can self-regulate have an easier time managing their emotions, social interactions, and academic tasks. Parents and caregivers can help pre-schoolers develop self-regulation skills by providing
opportunities for practice, modeling self-regulation, and offering positive reinforcement for good behavior. With time and practice, pre-schoolers can develop strong self-regulation skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Read the full preschool syllabus-> Click Here

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Development of positive self-concepts in preschoolers Mon, 13 Feb 2023 10:05:32 +0000 All of us have a mental picture of ourselves. This picture we have of ourselves is called our self-concept. A positive self-concept is:

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ITOYS: Children self-concept Learning Lessons While Playing
Children Learning Lessons While Playing

A positive self-concept represents strong self-confidence. Those people like themselves are
self-confident and self-assured. People with positive self-concepts do not necessarily think of themselves as perfect or as better than others, but they are satisfied with themselves and they have the potential to change the world in a good way.

What is self-concept?

All of us have a mental picture of ourselves. The picture we have of ourselves is called our self-concept. We compare ourselves at multiple parameters. We think about ourselves as a leader or a follower, fat or thin, good or bad, etc. These all assumptions are our self-concept.

Children with low self-concepts feel less confident about their abilities and may doubt their decision-making process. They may not be motivated to try new things because they don’t believe they can reach their goals.

How to develop self-concept in Preschoolers?

Self-image is one of the most important factors that affect a child’s behaviors. There are mentioned important points to developing self-concept:-

  1. Listen attentively to what children say and ask for their suggestions. Respecting children’s ideas and suggestions helps children to develop self-confidence. They feel that their idea and suggestions are of good value.
  2. Help children identify their own positive and prosocial behavior. This will increase good manners and destroy negative thinking.
  3. Help children feel they are competent. Help children focus on their strengths, provide opportunities, encourage learning, establish reachable goals, and recognize successes.
  4. Provide new challenges and comments on positive attempts, it is good for building logic.
  5. Teach strategies to accomplish tasks. Allow children to carry out and complete tasks by themselves.
  6. Help children feel they have some control. Provide opportunities for choice, initiative, and autonomy. Provide opportunities for children to accomplish a variety of tasks at a variety of levels.
  7. Avoid comparison and competition between children. Because of by constantly comparing our child to other children, we increase his anxiety and stress levels.
  8. Help children learn to evaluate their own accomplishments.
  9. Help children learn interpersonal skills. Children learn skills to enter interactions with others.
  10. Become aware of your own expectations for children
  11. Be open to perceiving new information about children and looking at them in new ways.


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Toys play an important role in child development. Every child should have the best toy friends to grow up with. We know the things that make betterment in kids. We created a brand named ITOYS under the company ‘Circle E Retail Pvt. Ltd.‘. ITOYS is a leading manufacturer of kids’ toys. If you are an individual buyer, our products are available at all leading online and offline retail shops. For being a partner in our development journey, go through the below buttons.

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Self-awareness curriculum for Preschoolers Sat, 04 Feb 2023 10:21:07 +0000 Self-awareness for 3 to 4-year children to develop their emotions, behaviors, and relationships with others. Beneficial for preschoolers!

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Body Parts Chart-learn self-awareness for 3-year preschoolers
Body Parts

At this age, Self-awareness helps children Providing Opportunities and Experiences for Knowing about themselves, their body parts, and family members to understand their emotions, behaviors, and relationships with others. It’s an essential skill that will benefit them throughout their lives! Self-awareness is an important skill for preschoolers to develop at a young age. It also allows them to recognize the feelings of those around them and build empathy toward others. Educators can help foster self-awareness for 3 to 6-year-old preschoolers by providing activities that encourage the exploration of their own thoughts and feelings as well as those of other people they interact with on a daily basis.

Goals of self-awareness for 3 to a 6-year preschooler

The main goal of self-awareness is Providing Opportunities and Experiences for Knowing about themselves, their body parts, and family members. Knowing the names and understanding the relationships through different games and activities, for example, clapping names and friendship walk, etc. Recognizing their role in different settings and their value for example through the celebration of birthdays and appreciating and displaying their contribution/ work.

To be self-aware, your student must be able to:

  1. Identify their body parts: Your students need to be able to identify their body parts.
  2. Identify their family members: Your students need to be able to identify and express their family members.
  3. Aware of his helpers: Your students must be able to identify and understand the value of their helpers. Like Police, Doctors, Nurses, etc.
  4. Recognizing their role: Your students must be able to recognize their role in different values. Like celebrating birthdays and appreciating his friends.
  5. Work toward growth: Your students must be aware of self-growth. Aware of working to gain knowledge continuously.

How to teach self-awareness to 3 to 4-year student

The best way you should use the pedological process of learning. “Pedagogy, most commonly understood as the approach to teaching, is the theory and practice of learning, and how this process influences, and is influenced by, the social, political and psychological development of learners.”

SOURCE: Wikipedia

Some Activities and Strategies for Teaching Self-Awareness

  1. Educational Charts: You make the children stand in front of the educational chart and tell them the names of different things and ask them to identify the things.
  2. Repeat with you: You act things with different body actions and say their names, ask children to repeat the names of things. With this, children quickly learn to recognize body language and things.
  3. Ask to identify body parts: Call children one by one and ask them to identify different body parts and their clothes. Like the Nose, Ear, Hand, Pants, Shirt, etc.
  4. Teach to sing poems and tell stories: Teach students with melodious poems with different body expressions. The teachers must sing and students should be repeated. Singing poem help to learn quicker. There are a lot of poems but, a poem in the mother tongue is better.
  5. Do a daily number and table counting drill: Mathematics is the most important to build logical thinking in early learners. So 1 to 100 counting and 2 to 10 table is essential for all these age group learners.
  6. Try to teach them how to write and draw but a little bit.

Early Learning Outcomes for 3 to 4-year Preschoolers

Children are beginning to state some physical characteristics, of self and Identify close family members.

  • Children are able to identify their body parts.
  • They are able to express his/her family.
  • They know about their helpers.
  • They are able to put pencils and make simple paintings.
  • They are able to count from 0 to 100.
  • They are able to speak number tables of up to 10.
  • They sing melodies-poems.
  • They talk short moral stories.
  • They have following good manners.
  • They started self-care.

How to teach self-awareness to 4 to 5-year student

Follow the pedological process of learning. As parents, it is your responsibility to ensure that your children develop a strong sense of self-worth and pride in their accomplishments. One way to do this is by giving them small responsibilities around the house or school. This could be anything like helping, doing homework, doing assignments, or even participating in family activities.

Some Activities and Strategies for Teaching Self-Awareness

  1. Repeat the previous year’s syllabus and improve the curriculum and start the new syllabus with the following tips.
  2. Teach students to write Letters & Numbers: You make the children practice and write letters and numbers.
  3. Students now start simple dot-to-dot matching: Now you can teach students to match different dots and solve simple puzzles.
  4. Ask to identify different colors: Teach students about different colors with reference to real things. For example Banana=Yellow, Grapes=Green, etc.
  5. Shape Shorting: Teach students about different basic shapes. The main basic shapes for kids are Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, Circle, Triangle, etc.
  6. Simple Maths: Mathematics is the most important to build logical thinking in early learners. So 1 to 100 counting and 2 to 20 table is essential for all these age group learners. Also, try to start simple mathematic calculations like addition and subtraction. For a better teaching experience teaching with physical things is work better. For example, take 10 balls in a bucket and take out 2 from it and ask children to count the leftover balls and write the figures on the teaching board(Whiteboard/Blackboard).
  7. Cultural Activity: Start to teach about the culture and the reason, why different festivals are celebrated. For example – Dipawali-For Lord Rama, Holi-For Lord Narasimha, Republic Day for being a republic country, Independence day for freedom, etc.

Early Learning Outcomes for 4 to 5-year Preschoolers

Children are beginning to state some logical things and learning to solve some mathematical solutions and practicing to write letters and numbers. Now the children have the below skills with the combination and betterment of the previous year’s(Skills which are learned during 3 to 4 years) skills.

  • Children are able to write and identify letters and numbers.
  • They are able to solve simple puzzles and able to connect dot-to-dot figures/sketches.
  • They know about different colors and are able to identify them.
  • Now, they know about different shapes and are also able to tell/spell the names of the shapes.
  • They are able to write numbers from 0 to 100.
  • They are able to speak number tables of up to 20.
  • They sing melodies-poems.
  • They know about different festivals and cultural activities of their country.
  • They have following good manners.
  • They know about good and healthy habits and started taking care of themselves and others.

How to teach self-awareness to 5 to 6-year student

This is the last year of preschool. Children are ready for schooling. The curriculum focuses on developing social skills, fostering creativity, introducing basic academic concepts such as simple calculations and paragraph recognition, physical development through games or tag, and music appreciation with singing games or instruments like tambourines or drums – all while having fun in a safe environment!

Some Activities and Strategies for Teaching Self-Awareness

  1. Rewise both previous year’s syllabi and improve the curriculum and start the new syllabus with the following tips.
  2. Teach students to write names and simple paragraphs: You make the children practice reading and write simple paragraphs.
  3. Students now start basic reasoning practices: Now you can teach students basic logical reasoning, which is very effective for mental and cognitive development.
  4. Make simple culprits with clay: Teach students to make simple models of clay.
  5. Measurements: Teach students about different basic shapes and their measurements.
  6. Maths: 2 to 30 number table is essential for all these age group learners. Teach medium addition and subtraction. Also, teach simple calculations like multiplication and division. Give language-based questions for logical building. For example:- Q-1. In an ice cream shop, the price of ice cream is 5 rupees. Raja has 100 Ruppes, how many ice cream is he able to buy?
  7. Safety rules: Start to teach about the road and safety rules. The curriculum must include zebra crossings, traffic lights, earthquakes, floods, etc. Also, explain a little bit about disaster management.
  8. Money Control: Teach about the value of money and money management.
  9. Technical training: Start to teach about, how to use smart devices in a good and effective manner to gain knowledge.
  10. Musical Training: Music play an effective role in kids to unless their creativity. Inspired, Uplifted, Relax, Relieve stress and tension. So starting musical training at an early age is very beneficial.

Early Learning Outcomes for 5 to 6-year Preschoolers

Now the children have the below skills with the combination and betterment of the previous 2 years’ skills which are learned during 3 to 5 years.

  • Children are able to write, read and speak fluently.
  • They are able to solve logical puzzles and able to able to solve simple logical reasonings.
  • Now, they are a junior artist who makes simple culprits with clay.
  • They are able to solve basic calculations.
  • They are able to speak and write number tables of up to 30.
  • They are able to play some basic musical instruments.
  • They know about different festivals and cultural activities of their country.
  • They have following good manners.
  • They know about good and healthy habits and started taking care of themselves and others.

Suggested study materials to teach better:

It is best to create your own resource to teach better, but most educators don’t know how to create impactful resources. There are some ideas for parents and teachers:

  • Different educational charts
  • Big Picture Book Designed by Quixot-Publication(ITOYS) in association with BABYHUG CLICK HERE
  • Little story books
  • Creative educational and stationary toys.
  • Self-awareness toys.
  • Educational toys from ITOYS etc.

Quick recap:

How do you teach self-awareness in preschool?

  1. Some Activities and Strategies for Teaching Self-Awareness to 3 to 4-Year Children.

    Teach with educational charts, and train students to repeat things with you. Teach to identify body parts. Teach them to sing poems and tell stories. Do a daily number drill of 1 to 100 counting and from 2 to 10 table. Try to teach them how to write and draw but a little bit.

  2. To be self-aware, your student must be able to:

    Students need to be able to identify their body parts. Your students need to be able to identify and express their family members. Students must be able to identify and understand the value of their helpers. Like Police, Doctors, Nurses, etc. Your students must be able to recognize their role in different values. Like celebrating birthdays and appreciating his friends. Students must be aware of self-growth. Aware of working to gain knowledge continuously.

  3. Early Learning Outcomes for 3 to 4-year Preschoolers

    Children are able to identify their body parts. They are able to express his/her family, know about their helpers, are able to put pencils and make simple paintings. They are able to count from 0 to 100 and are able to speak number tables of up to 10.
    They sing melodies-poems, talk short moral stories, have following good manners, and started self-care.

In this series, we are covering the whole syllabus for preschool. Continue with the main page and read the full syllabus – Click Here. We are the best educational books and toy manufacturers in India. We deal in only wholesale. If you want to modify or redesign things with your own business needs, we also do that. Contact US or Request Our Catalogue.

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Preschool: Preparing the kids – Syllabus and curriculum Wed, 01 Feb 2023 13:22:59 +0000 Preparing the child for preschool! Read about all things related to playschool learning and the benefits of developmental milestones.

The post Preschool: Preparing the kids – Syllabus and curriculum appeared first on ITOYS.

Preschool Students Raising Hand In Playschool Class
Preschool Students Raising Hand In Playschool Class

Preschool is an essential part of a child’s early education. The aim of preschool education is to provide strong foundations for the child. Helps with all-around development and life-long learning. Here is how to make the child’s playschool more effective and innovative.

What do Kids learn in a Preschool?

Preschool education is intended to provide universal access to equitable joyful inclusive learning opportunities for developing social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development of all 3 to 6-year-old children. This provides kids with a happy environment where kids learn the educational fundamentals and familiar with primary education.

Never treat all as same:

All children are different and develop at different rates. So, pre-school education should be aims to develop the whole child.

Try to make the learning environment underpinning:

Young children learn best when they feel happy and secure in a safe and stimulating environment. At the preschool stage, children are curious and excited about colors, shapes, sounds, sizes, and forms around them. So make the learning environment appealing, happy and kids friendly. It’s so important to create a positive and stimulating learning environment for playschool! We strive to make sure our little ones feel safe, supported, and excited about their learning journey.

Why Pre/Play-school Is important?

As parents, it can be difficult to decide when is the right time to send your child to playschool. After all, they’re still so young and you want them to have fun while learning important skills that will help them succeed in life. The good news is that sending your child off for a few hours each week or month at a quality playschool can provide many benefits beyond just having fun!

At pre/play school, kids can make friends and socialize with other kids. It helps them build interpersonal skills like communication and cooperation. They also get exposed to new ideas from teachers who use engaging methods such as storytelling or music to teach basic concepts like colors or numbers. This early exposure helps introduce the idea of formal education in an enjoyable way. It makes kids familiar with school education.

At playschools, children learn through play-based activities such as singing songs, playing games, and engaging in arts & crafts projects. Through these activities they develop essential social skills like sharing with others and taking turns; communication abilities such as expressing themselves verbally; problem-solving capabilities by figuring out how things work together; motor coordination from running around the playground or building structures with blocks; basic math concepts like counting objects or recognizing shapes & colors. They also get exposed to different cultures through stories told from other countries which helps foster an appreciation of diversity early on in their lives.

What should be most essential in a preschool curriculum?

There are some important points:

  • Learning should be continuous and cumulative, and also comes with senses and stimulations. Children learn through senses and stimulation so it is imperative to provide optimal stimulation in the early years.
  • Each child is different and grows, learns, and develops at one’s own pace. So it is important for a play school most have multiple approaches for all kinds of learners.
  • Play and activity are the primary contexts of learning and development so it is important that they offer opportunities to explore, experiment, manipulate and experience the environment, thus, children construct their knowledge. The curriculum must have a balance between different kinds of play, active and passive, and indoor and outdoor activities.
  • Responsive and supportive interactions with kids.
  • Interactive and experiential teaching enhances learning experiences.
  • Development and use of indigenous materials enhance learning opportunities so teachers should be creative.
  • It is important to ensure that all children have access to learning opportunities regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, disability, language, culture, religion, and social or economic condition.
  • Language is closely linked to children’s identity and emotional security which helps them to freely express their thoughts and feelings. So mother tongue or home language should be the medium of instruction.
  • The involvement of parents and family contributes to the learning and development of children. So parents/guardians and teachers/staff monthly meetings should be essential.

What should the goals of preschool education

  1. Making children curious about maintaining Good Health and Well-being.
  2. Ensuring children have appropriate experiences and opportunities.
  3. Children become effective communicators.
  4. Children become involved learners and connect with their immediate environment.
  5. Making children curious about mathematical thinking and reasoning.
  6. Ensure key concepts and skills.
  7. Enables opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and dispositions within a particular social and material context.
  8. Let them play and ensure early learning outcomes.
  9. Ensure Peer, Material, Environmental, and Adult interactions.

Preschool syllabus/Curriculum

This curriculum syllabus is based on the pedological process of learning. By using pedagogical strategies, teachers can ensure that students construct their own knowledge and understanding of the curriculum material through exploration, investigation, problem-solving, and critical thinking. We are working on the syllabus! Updated links are available in the below-given table as soon as possible:

Syllabus For Preschool(20-Chapters)
  • Self Awareness
  • Development of positive self-concept
  • Self-regulation
  • Decision-making and problem-solving
  • Development of pro-social behavior
  • Development of healthy habits
  • Fine Motor Activities
  • Gross motor skills
  • Hand-Eye Coordination
  • Listening and Speaking Skills
  • Emergent Reading
  • Emergent Writing
  • Brain Development
  • Exposure to other languages
  • Sensory Development
  • Cognitive Skills
  • Concept Formation
  • Number Sense
  • Concepts related to the environment
  • Use of Technological Devices
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    Toys play an important role in child development. Every child should have the best toy friends to grow up with. We know the things that make betterment in kids. We created a brand named ITOYS under the company ‘Circle E Retail Pvt. Ltd.‘. ITOYS is a leading manufacturer of kids’ toys. If you are an individual buyer, our products are available at all leading online and offline retail shops. For being a partner in our development journey, go through the below buttons.

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    The post Preschool: Preparing the kids – Syllabus and curriculum appeared first on ITOYS.
